Artbook: The Art of Mummy Mermaids

A comic-sized and hard cover option, showcasing the best collection of Mermaid Mummies!

I set up two formats, each with two variants:

  • Comic Art Book Cover A “order” + B “chaos”: comic size 24 pg; standard fun to be put in between the rest of the series.
  • Hardcover: oversized A4 52 pgs, including a reprint of the first appearance in issue #5.
  • Hardcover *naughty*: oversized A4 72 pgs, including a reprint of the first appearance in #5, and including sketches and much more. Topless version. With Dustcover.

Here are a few sliced examples of the many, many pieces of extraordinary art by the likes of Monte M. Moore, Vinz el Tabanas, Gary Parkin, Ferran Rodriguez Sanchez, Ed van der Linden, Kevin Enhart, Chris Hall, Carlos Ramos, Jorin Evers, Rich Perotti, Chiara Di Franca, Carlos Rafael, Freitas, Perez, Alfredo Reyes, Silvano Beltramo…